Auntie Em

Its only fitting that my first real post shoould feature an image of my beautiful cat, EmmiLou, AKA Emmi, Em, LouLou and a host of other names . She is just the best cat, a wonderful friend, and great company.

I got Emmi as a rescue cat shortly after the passing of my also beloved cat Furby. I didnt think I would ever find a cat that replaced Furbs, but with time and some patience, Emmi and I became a team.

My fondest memory of her as a kitten was when she was about 5 months old. I had worked that morning and was tired because, eh I’m not a mornign person. Adding to my angst was the fact that it was cold and starting to snow when I got out of work. I came home had a snack and proceeded to fall asleep sitting up on the couch while watching TV. I woke up a whilelater and my head had tilted to the left. On my left side was Em sleeping with me and herhead was tilted to the right so our heads touched slightly in the middle of the pillow i had on my back and head. It was very endearing to me that she had gotten up there and did it so quietly I did not wake up. I wish I could have taken a picture of us there but the minute I moved about, Emmi jumped off the couch. But the memory is one I will always cherish.

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